Sponsored Legislation: Justice for Victims Act (2016)

CWLC was a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 813, the Justice for Victims Act. Authored by Senator Connie Leyva, this landmark bipartisan bill eliminates the arbitrary statute of limitations for rape and related felony sex crimes in California. Now, regardless of when a rape or sexual assault is reported or discovered, victims of sexual crimes can seek justice in the criminal courts. The new law provides a path to legal justice for victims and puts perpetrators on notice that they will be held accountable.

Signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in September 2016, California was added to the growing list of states that have abolished their statutes of limitations for rape cases. The Justice for Victims Act took effect on January 1, 2017 and applies to all crimes from that date forward.

Read more about SB 813 and CWLC's advocacy efforts below.

SB 813 Press ReleaseDownload
SB 813 Letter of SupportDownload
SB 813 Governor's LetterDownload
SB 8213 Bill TextDownload

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