Harriet Fischer, Staff Attorney

As Staff Attorney, Harriet works to promote civil rights, social justice, and gender equality for women and girls across all of CWLC’s interest areas. A lifelong athlete, Harriet has an abiding interest to ensure Title IX protections are enforced.

Prior to joining CWLC, Harriet was a volunteer at the California Attorney General’s office in the Civil Rights Enforcement Section where she focused on civil rights violations in law enforcement, employment, and healthcare access. As a Fellow at Bet Tzedek Legal Services in the Elder Justice Program, she helped low-income seniors in need of assistance with elder abuse and housing matters. Prior to becoming an attorney, Harriet co-owned a small creative consultation firm that developed and designed marketing and fundraising materials for national and local non-profit organizations.

Harriet attended Southwestern Law School, graduating with a concentration in public interest law. She participated in both the Youth Offender Parole Hearing Clinic and the Street Law Clinic where she taught disadvantaged, transition-aged youth about their rights. Harriet earned her undergraduate degree cum laude from Barnard College-Columbia University.