Senate Bill 464: Health and Self Reporting Tools

The California Women’s Law Center (CWLC) supports California Senate Bill 464 authored by Senator Hernandez.

SB 464 will allow the use of self-screening tools to identify certain risk factors, including patient blood pressure and weight, so that health care practitioners can safely prescribe or dispense hormonal contraceptives via telehealth services.

Currently, women in rural and underserved communities face fewer choices over their reproductive  health because of geographic or monetary barriers that prevent travel to a health care provider. Moreover, about half of all pregnancies in California are unintended, which can lead to poor health outcomes for the mother and her baby and cost the state more than $1.75 billion annually.



EMAIL THE GOVERNOR: Tell the Governor thank you for signing SB 464
Click on the link above to sign a letter of support. From the dropdown menu, choose: SB00464|Healing arts: self-reporting tools.

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