Teen Violence Awareness Month 2019

This month, CWLC joins others in shining a national spotlight on teen dating violence, and we remain committed to supporting safe and healthy relationships.

People of all ages experience abusive relationships, including young people. One in three teens are the victim of physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse from a dating partner.

Early intervention and education are key to preventing intimate partner violence (IPV). Violent behavior usually begins between ages 12-18, and adults who use violence with their dating partners often begin doing so during adolescence. Approximately 11 million women and 5 million men who report experiencing IPV in their lifetime say they first experienced it before the age of 18.

Abuse almost always reoccurs in a relationship and usually gets more severe over time. And the dollar price of IPV is high: victims pay in medical costs, lost wages, and court fees. The lifetime cost for IPV-related injuries, lost productivity from paid work, criminal justice and other expenses is more than $103,000 per woman.

For information on the legal remedies available to tackle teen dating violence, download our guide: Teen Dating Violence in California Schools: Know Your Rights.