Make Your Voice Heard and Fight Back Against Federal Threats to Title X and Reproductive Health Options!






The rights of women in the United States are under attack. Over the last two years, the current administration has repeatedly taken aim at women’s reproductive rights and health care options, including allowing employers to refuse to provide birth control for their employees, cutting funding for teen pregnancy prevention programs, and defunding global programs that provide counseling and education on abortion.

We are writing to urge you to join CWLC as we take action against these infringements.

Although the federal government continues to strip away these important rights, California remains stalwart in our commitment to ensure a woman can make informed decisions about her body. Our state has a long history of protecting a woman’s choice, including an explicit constitutional right to have an abortion. In addition, California law requires both Medi-Cal and private insurance providers cover contraception and abortion.

The Trump administration’s most recent attack is focused on Title X, a federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure poor Americans are able to receive family planning care. The administration’s proposed regulations would prevent Title X-funded providers from sharing the full range of reproductive health care options when counseling patients. The proposed regulations would also place unreasonable and unethical burdens on Title X-funded programs by adding onerous reporting requirements, allowing non-medically approved family planning options to be presented to patients, and removing important confidentiality provisions for adolescents.

Californians must speak now if they believe women deserve the right to make the health care decisions that work best for them.

The deadline to respond to the harmful regulations proposed by the administration is Tuesday, July 31st. Together with our allies, CWLC encourages you to submit comments in advance of this deadline. Because the regulations are in a proposed format, the administration is required to respond to every comment submitted. Please make your voice heard.

Suggested comments can be found here. Please copy the comments, add in your own thoughts and arguments, or pick the most compelling argument and share that with the administration. It is critically important that the administration hear from you—and your friends—about the impact the proposals will have on your life and the lives of women across the country. Respond here and then spread the word!

To read CWLC’s full summary of Reproductive Rights: California vs. Trump, click here.
To read CWLC’s submitted Title X comments, click here.