CWLC Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy






Equality and justice were the foundation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life. In 1983, Congress and President Ronald Reagan enacted legislation to honor Dr. King’s legacy by creating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Dr. King was the leader of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, heading the Montgomery Bus Boycott and numerous other campaigns. He co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and worked to register African American voters in the South after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. showed America and the world how using nonviolent civil disobedience can be a powerful and effective tool for change.

The California Women’s Law Center is grateful for Dr. King’s work and those following in his footsteps in the fight for economic, social, and civil justice for all. Please join us in paying tribute to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in history.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and impact.